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[2023] The Ultimate Guide to EDI for Ecommerce


Running an ecommerce business can be tough. But the right tools, like Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), can make it easier. This ultimate guide will explain what EDI is, how it can help your ecommerce business, and the types of documents it can handle in an ecommerce and fulfillment context.

What is Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)?

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a way to send data between businesses using a computer. It’s like email, but for important business documents. EDI helps businesses work together and saves time and money.

How EDI Helps Ecommerce Businesses

EDI can help ecommerce businesses in B2B, wholesale, and retail operations. Here’s how:

B2B Transactions

With EDI, businesses can send orders and invoices to partners quickly. This means faster payments and better organization.

Wholesale Operations

EDI makes talking to wholesalers easy. This helps keep track of inventory and speeds up order processing.

Retail Management

For retailers, EDI helps manage lots of orders and shipments. This means better inventory control and fewer mistakes.

Types of Documents EDI Handles in Ecommerce and Fulfillment

EDI is used for a variety of documents in an ecommerce and fulfillment context. Some of the most common document types include:

Purchase Orders (PO)

A purchase order is a document sent from a buyer to a seller to request products or services. EDI streamlines the PO process, making it faster and more accurate.


An invoice is a bill sent from a seller to a buyer. It lists the products or services provided and the amount owed. EDI makes sending and receiving invoices simple and quick.

Advance Ship Notices (ASN)

An ASN is a document sent from a seller to a buyer. It provides information about a shipment, such as contents, weight, and tracking number. EDI helps businesses exchange ASNs in real-time, improving shipping accuracy.

Inventory Updates

EDI allows businesses to share inventory updates with trading partners. This helps keep everyone informed about product availability and prevents stockouts.

Order Confirmations

Order confirmations are documents sent from a seller to a buyer. They confirm that an order has been received and is being processed. EDI makes it easy to send and receive order confirmations, ensuring that both parties are on the same page.

Shipping and Delivery Confirmations

These documents confirm that a shipment has been delivered to its destination. EDI helps businesses exchange shipping and delivery confirmations, providing proof of delivery and improving customer satisfaction.

Returns and Refund Requests

EDI streamlines the process of handling returns and refund requests. This makes it easier for businesses to manage and track returns, leading to faster refunds and improved customer service.

Using EDI for Your Ecommerce Business

To use EDI for your ecommerce business, follow these steps:


Look at your business and see where EDI can help. Think about things like the number of transactions and trading partners.

Choosing an EDI Provider

Find an EDI provider that has the services and support you need. This might include EDI software and help with your current systems.

Building a Trading Partner Network

Get your trading partners on board. These could be suppliers or others in your supply chain.

Implementing EDI Standards

Work with your EDI provider to use the right standards. This will make sure your system can talk to your partners’ systems.

Testing and Validation

Before going live, test your EDI system to find and fix any issues. Make sure the data being sent is accurate and that your system can handle the expected number of transactions.

Monitoring and Maintenance

Keep an eye on your EDI system to make sure it’s working well. Update trading partner information, fix any issues, and continue to improve the system over time.

Benefits of EDI for Ecommerce Businesses

EDI offers several benefits for ecommerce businesses, such as:

Improved Efficiency

EDI automates many manual processes, saving time and reducing the risk of errors. This leads to increased efficiency and productivity.

Faster Order Processing

With EDI, orders can be processed and shipped faster, leading to shorter delivery times and happier customers.

Better Inventory Management

EDI helps businesses maintain accurate inventory records, preventing stockouts and overstocking. The end result is better inventory management.

Enhanced Communication

EDI streamlines communication between trading partners, making it easier to share information and collaborate.

Cost Savings

By reducing manual processes, EDI can lead to cost savings in labor, paper, and postage.


EDI makes it easier for businesses to grow, as it simplifies the process of adding new trading partners and handling increased transaction volumes.

Choosing the Right EDI Provider

When looking for an EDI provider, consider the following factors:


Choose a provider with a proven track record and experience in your industry. Two major providers are SPS Commerce and DataTrans.

Customer Support

A good provider should offer responsive customer support to help with any issues that may arise.

Integration Capabilities

Make sure the provider can integrate their EDI solution with your existing systems, such as your ecommerce platform or warehouse management system.


Your EDI provider should be able to customize their solution to meet your specific needs and requirements.


Compare the pricing of different providers to find one that offers the best value for your budget.

Shipfusion’s EDI Solution

EDI is incredibly powerful, but it can also be complex and challenging to navigate. That’s where Shipfusion steps in. Our comprehensive EDI solution simplifies the process, making it easy for clients to optimize their B2B and wholesale operations. By partnering with Shipfusion, you’ll benefit from our expertise and resources, ensuring a seamless EDI experience tailored to your needs.

Customized EDI Integration

Shipfusion’s team of experts works closely with you to understand your unique business requirements. We then develop a customized EDI integration plan that aligns with your existing systems, such as your ecommerce platform, warehouse management system, and accounting software. This ensures a seamless transition and minimizes any disruptions to your operations.

Dedicated Support

Our dedicated support team is available to assist you throughout the entire EDI implementation process. From initial setup to ongoing maintenance, we’re here to help you every step of the way. Our responsive customer support ensures that any issues or concerns are promptly addressed, keeping your business running smoothly.

Training and Education

At Shipfusion, we believe in empowering our clients with the knowledge and skills they need to make the most of their EDI solution. We provide comprehensive training and educational resources to help you and your team understand how EDI works, how to use the system effectively, and how to troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

Scalable Solutions

As your business grows, your EDI needs may change. Shipfusion’s EDI solution is designed to scale with you, making it easy to add new trading partners, accommodate increased transaction volumes, and adapt to evolving industry standards. With our scalable solutions, you can focus on growing your business, knowing that your EDI integration will keep pace.

Continuous Improvement

At Shipfusion, we’re committed to helping you achieve long-term success with your EDI solution. We continuously monitor and evaluate your system’s performance, identifying areas for improvement and implementing enhancements as needed. Our proactive approach ensures that your EDI system remains optimized and aligned with your evolving business needs.

By choosing Shipfusion as your fulfillment partner, you’ll gain access to our expertise, resources, and support, making your EDI experience seamless and effective. Our comprehensive solution simplifies the complexities of EDI, allowing you to focus on what matters most—growing your ecommerce business.


Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) can help your ecommerce business by streamlining communication, improving efficiency, and reducing errors. By understanding the types of documents that EDI can handle in an ecommerce and fulfillment context, you can better decide whether it’s the right solution for your business.

If you decide to implement EDI, follow the steps outlined in this guide and choose a trusted provider that meets your needs. Consider working with a 3PL (third-party logistics) company like Shipfusion, which helps its clients with EDI implementation using its native integrations. By harnessing the power of EDI, you can boost your ecommerce business’s performance, enhance customer satisfaction, and stay ahead of your competition.