Shipfusion Blog / Supply Chain

Comparing the Pros and Cons of Vendor Managed Inventory

Vendor Managed Inventory

Inventory management has the power to impact everything from operational costs to customer satisfaction. Opting to handle it in-house means being fully responsible for the way results are pursued and how well they’re achieved. That’s great for total control over stock levels, but it c …

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A Guide to Supply Chain Resilience In Ecommerce

Supply chain resilience

If you’re in the ecommerce industry, you’re aware of the many major supply chain disruptions of the past few years and how they’ve affected businesses. These disruptions aren’t just a thing of the recent past — a major supply chain-affecting event happens every 3.7 years! Supply chain …

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The Ultimate Guide to EDI for Ecommerce

EDI for Ecommerce

Between managing inventory, processing orders, handling customer service, and maintaining compliance with vendor expectations, there's a lot to juggle when expanding an ecommerce business into B2B and wholesale. Luckily, powerful tools like Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) exist to m …

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What Is the Multi Echelon Inventory Optimization (MEIO) Strategy?

Multi echelon inventory optimization

Multi Echelon Inventory Optimization (MEIO) is a supply chain optimization strategy that makes handling the inventory complexities of a growing ecommerce business much more manageable. However, MEIO isn’t just about keeping products in stock – it's a strategy that enhances coordinatio …

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15 Supply Chain KPIs Every Ecommerce Business Should Track

Supply chain KPIs

Supply chain management in ecommerce involves many moving parts—each presenting a wide range of variables that can impact the efficiency and, in turn, the success of your business. The best way to optimize supply chain performance is by tracking important supply chain KPIs. From suppl …

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How To Hire A Supply Chain Manager for Ecommerce

Maintaining the growth of an ecommerce business often hinges on a smooth, efficient supply chain. As businesses expand, the logistics of sourcing, inventory management, and timely delivery become more complex. Ecommerce companies committed to scaling their business often hire a supply …

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Lot Tracking: Benefits and Best Practices 

Building upon our in-depth exploration of what lot tracking for ecommerce retailers is, we are now ready to explore lot tracking benefits and best practices. Beyond the fundamental understanding of lot tracking as an inventory management and quality control system, it’s important to l …

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What Is Lot Tracking for Ecommerce Retailers?

For ecommerce order fulfillment, accurate inventory management is an absolute necessity. As your business grows, so does your product range, order volumes, and the number of customers. This requires a system that not only helps you keep track of your inventory but also enables you to …

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How to Navigate Wholesale in the Supply Chain: Part One

Choosing the right partner can make or break your company’s logistics, customer service, and repeat purchases. Using a fulfillment center like Shipfusion frees you from navigating the fulfillment landscape with zero stress. Below are some insights on how Shipfusion can take your busin …

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How to Utilize Supply Chain Analytics

Choosing the right partner can make or break your company’s logistics, customer service, and repeat purchases. Using a fulfillment center like Shipfusion frees you from navigating the fulfillment landscape with zero stress. Below are some insights on how Shipfusion can take your busin …

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