Shipfusion Blog

Why Packaging is Essential to Your Ecommerce Business

Premier Packaging is a leading packaging company with over 25 years of experience in Supply Chain Solutions. 

Blog provided by Premier Packaging’s Marketing Manager, Mallory Robinson.

When looking to partner with a packaging company for your eCommerce business, there are many factors to consider, from freight costs, warehousing needs, distribution, and more. While Premier Packaging does focus on solutions for the entire supply chain, it’s also essential to look at your actual packaging’s specifics. Look for the following characteristics when you’re deciding which Packaging company to partner with.  

What to Look for in an Ecommerce Packaging Partner

Fully Customizable – It’s not enough anymore to place your product in a box and ship it off to the customer. With online orders growing an average of 23% each year, customers are demanding more from their providers. This doesn’t mean the brown box is out of style, just simply that you need to get creative with how it looks, opens, and presents itself. Is it a unique shape? Does it contain a distinct message? Is it easily identifiable? A full suite of void fill options and protective packaging is also essential, all of which should be customized to your exact need. Even products with unusual shapes can find a home using customized boxing and foam to fill the void.

Branded Ecommerce Packaging – Speaking of printed, coloured, and branded packaging, your end product should convey the message you want to tell. With poly mailers quickly becoming the number one choice of eCommerce stores, it’s essential to make sure your package stands out. Look for a company with full-color printing capabilities, vast material options, and any size you can imagine– maybe it’s not a mailer at all. Like we mentioned, there is a vast array of packaging items that can be branded for your eCommerce needs – foam, inflatables, tissue, kraft paper, etc.

Sustainably Conscious Choices – Sometimes, we are quick to dismiss boxes as trash, but did you know that corrugated is actually 100% recyclable and made with recycled content? That is one of the beauties of a brown box – it has been and will always be environmentally friendly. With the introduction of poly bags and mailers plus inflatables, foam, and tissue, it’s sometimes hard to stay sustainable. There are multiple compostable and biodegradable products in testing and a few already on the market. Everyone is constantly looking for and finding ways to reduce landfill waste. Sometimes this is as simple as downsizing boxes, reevaluating void fill options, or reducing DIM weight. There are sustainable saving options everywhere– it’s just knowing where to look.

Like we mentioned, there is more than one factor when considering your packaging partner. As eCommerce continues to grow and evolve, it’s important to reevaluate what’s working for your business and what’s not. Starting with a strong foundation and looking for the right characteristics from the beginning can help you in your path to success.

Other Ways Premier Packaging Helps Ecommerce Companies:

– Packaging Consultation

– Target Assessment

– Supply Chain Analysis

– Brand Development

– Packaging Design

– Prototyping

– Package Testing (ISTA® Certified)

– Design Implementation

– Manufacturing

– Distribution

There is no doubt that the eCommerce world is booming. Premier Packaging focuses on improving customer’s operational and material costs to strengthen your bottom line. Offering solutions that effectively improve labour efficiency, reduce supply chain costs, and create a world-class consumer experience for their clients. 

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