Portal V2: Insurance Claims

2 min read
Sep. 21, 2022

Insurance Claims

Your customers never want to receive a damaged product; even worse, if the product never shows up to their doorstep at all. Shipfusion offers insurance on a per-package or on an account-level via Shipsurance. 

Not to be confused with the insurance offered by carriers (such as FedEx or UPS), our insurance program offers coverage on damaged products in transit, as well as lost packages over a certain amount of time. Please reach out to your account manager for more information if you have further questions.

You can view any insurance claims under Support > Insurance Claims from the main menu. From the left hand side, you can search any insurance claims you have. On the right hand side, you can filter your claims by status from the drop down menu, or create a new claim by selecting the Create button:

A popup will appear when creating a new claim. First, enter the shipment ID associated with the issue:

On the second page, review the shipment, and enter the reason for the claim.

To view a claim, select the View button to the right of the corresponding claim:

Here, you can see a variety of information on your claim, such as the status, the type of claim, product value and insurance amount. You can see what the claim is waiting for at the top of the popup, near the claim ID.

You can see further information about your claim under the corresponding tabs (Address Information, Product Information, and any Attachments uploaded to this claim)